St Hills

St Hill House has been registered with Ofsted since November 2008 (Registration Number: SC385633). The company is driven towards succeeding in our vision to help children who are in need, realise a safe and happy home environment and to fulfil their social and educational potential.

Places are offered only after a full risk assessment and interview with each child, their parents if appropriate and the relevant placing authority. Placements will be offered to a range of vulnerable children, including those with educational and behavioural problems, emotional behavioural difficulties (EBD), severe learning difficulties (SLD), autistic spectrum disorders and other special needs.

Together the Company Directors, Home Managers and staff team ensure that St Hill House provide the highest level residential care, backed by a strong statement of purpose with supporting full policies and procedure documents.

Our goal is to be recognised as an industry leader; a residential care home that offers only the highest standard of quality within a safe and homely environment. We have a highly skilled team second to none, who are expertly trained and fully supported by robust Management Procedures. Our inclusive care packages are always tailored to meet the needs of the residents, consisting of comprehensive daily, weekly and monthly reports which are forwarded to the placing social worker as a matter of course. We are noted for our seamless communication between ourselves and Care Providers, always ensuring the best all round care for our young people.